
Смотрите фильмы из серии "Рассказы о 7-летнем плане"

Watch documentaries "Stories about Seven-Year Plan"!
Vaadake filme sarjast "Jutustused seitseaastaku plaanist".
Смотрите фильмы из серии "Рассказы о 7-летнем плане".

Лен. СНХ ф-ка "Пролетарское Знамя".
Leningradi vabrik "Proletarskoje znamja" (Proletariaadi lipp).

* In one of his many reorganizations, Khrushchev substituted a Seven-Year Plan to run from 1959 to 1965. It included his new priorities for a much larger chemical industry, more housing, substitution of oil and gas for coal in the production of electricity and for powering the railroads, and more emphasis on agriculture, especially in the eastern areas.
* 1959.a. loobuti NSV Liidus viisaastakute planeerimisest ja käsile võeti seitseaastaku (1959-1965) plaan.
* Семилетка — семилетний план развития народного хозяйства (1959-1965).

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